This Banana Bread is so yummy and moist. It's the perfect balance of natural sweetness, and the longer you have it in the fridge the sweeter it gets.

3 large eggs
3 large very ripe bananas well mashed (1.5 cups)
1 Tbs Vanilla Extract
2 Tbs Honey
1 Tbs Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F
2. Whisk together the eggs, mashed bananas, vanilla, and honey.
3. Gradually whisk in the almond flour, cinnamon, salt, and finally the baking soda.
4. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan. Gently tap the pan on the counter top to evenly distribute the batter.
5. Bake until browned and set, and a toothpick inserted in its center comes out dry, 35-40 minutes.
6. Cool the bread and enjoy