I know that many girls in particular neglect training their upper body and focus on doing leg and cardio workouts(because I used to be one of them too ðŸ˜). However, it's extremely important to train the upper body too-for increased full body strength and a proportional physique. Ever since COVID hit, it's definitely been a little more difficult to find ways to stay in shape. However, I've found many ways that you can maintain/gain muscle mass while being at home. Here are the top three ways that I train my upper body to add definition and tone my arms, as well as reducing flab:)
1) Using weights.
There's a big misconception that weights=bulk. Trust me. You are not going to end up looking "manly", nor are you going to pack on loads of defined muscle. Woman especially have a harder time building muscle because of our reduced testosterone. That's why it's so important to incorporate some level of weights into your workout so that you can get stronger and increase your muscle mass. As you have increased muscle, you burn fat more easily. This leads to a lean-looking physique instead of that "skinny-fat" look.
2) Planks
Planks are great to incorporate into your workout because it's working so many muscles at once! They definitely help with tightening your core as well as building strength in your arms. Some of my favorite variations are
-Up and down planks
-Plank hip twists.
-Jumping plank jacks
3) Push ups(the dreaded one)
Yes, push ups are HARD. I don't think I can even do a perfect pushup. However, knee-push ups are still challenging and a great way to start building enough strength to do the full ones. We can do this together guys.