After moving from California to Vietnam I always missed the cheap $3 Cauliflower Gnocchi from Trader Joe's. So I wanted to share a cheap, easy, and healthy alternative to traditional pastas that are commonly offered in foreign countries.

1.5 lbs Cauliflower
1/2 cup All Purpose Flour
2 tsp oil (for cooking)
Boil cauliflower for 20 minutes and drain once fully cooked
Use a clean cloth to squeeze the water out of the cauliflower
Combine the cauliflower with the flour to form a dough like consistency
Divide the dough into 4, roll out each portions into long strands, then cut into small rectangles then shape
Use a fork to add ridges
Pan-fry the formed dough on the stove with oil for 2 minutes then they are ready for any pasta dish